How To Treat Acne Effectively

May 18, 2021

Pimples, pimples, pimples! These pesky fellows have a way of showing up on our faces a day before an important event don't they? And let's not forget about the marks they leave behind.

Everybody gets pimples and there's no reason to feel ashamed as they don't define you. But if you do wish to get rid of them, then keep on reading as we're sharing some effective ways you can bid adieu to these trouble makers for good!

But first, let's define them.



What is Acne?

Acne is a common skincare condition that happens to most of us. It happens when dirt, dead skin cells and other pollutants jam the hair follicles, resulting in tiny bumps on the skin.

Whiteheads, blackheads, cysts, papules are some of the common types.

Causes Of Acne

Broadly, acne can happen due to two reasons;

  • External factors
  • Internal factors

External factors: As the name suggests, external factors include pollution, application of a new skincare product (severe reaction), constantly picking the skin, dirty pillows or phone screen, etc.

Internal factors: Internal factors include puberty, pregnancy, abnormal hormonal levels, excess sebum production, reaction to a medicine, etc.

Commonly, acne happens on our faces (nose, cheeks, forehead & chin) but it isn't uncommon for them to happen to other parts of the body such as the chest, shoulders or back.

They are mainly the result of an unhygienic routine, excess production of sebum or accumulation of dead skin cells (always exfoliate!).

how to treat acne effectively

How To Treat Acne Effectively

The moment a pimple or acne breaks out the first thing is to figure out what's causing them. Is it happening due to new medicines, a change in diet, a change in climate conditions, etc and then focus on the treatment accordingly.

Normally, most of us rely on anti-acne skincare products such as cleansers, moisturisers, serums, toners, face masks, etc. DIYs are fairly common as well.

Another way to treat acne effectively is to consult a dermatologist and then take the treatment accordingly.



If you are planning to try out a few anti-acne products for yourself, keep these pointers in mind:

  • Make sure the product is fragrance-free as artificial scent can irritate the skin,
  • Check out the ingredients list. Tea tree oil, salicylic acid, vitamin C, etc. are some of the best acne-fighting agents,
  • If you are introducing a new skincare product, take it slow. Use it once a day and monitor results before increasing their frequency.
  • Do check out reviews online as trust us, they help!

How To Maintain A Skincare Regimen To Treat Acne

If you want to show acne who is the boss, the key is to be consistent. Be consistent with your skincare regimen and trust the process.

Once you start seeing the results, you'll know that it's only going to be great skin days ahead.

Cleansing, toning and moisturising is a must. Make sure you use at least one anti-acne serum (salicylic acid, niacinamide) to speed up the process.

Always complete our skincare routine by applying sunscreen, yes, even if you are indoors!

What Are The Ingredients That Can Help Fight Acne

Certain skincare acids can effectively eradicate acne, namely: salicylic acid, clindamycin, Niacinamide, retinoid, antibiotics, azelaic acid, and benzoyl peroxide. Understanding these ingredients that what they can do can help reduce acne in no time.

Let's understand a few of these in detail:

Benzoyl peroxide: This is a great product to include in your skincare, especially if you have cystic or invisible pimples. Just make sure you use hyaluronic acid or any other hydrating agent as it can be a tad drying on the skin.

Apply a 2.5% concentration cream overnight and wash it off the next morning.

Niacinamide: This is a chemical compound that is used for clearing acne and to reduce pigmentation problem. Start with an 1% concentration cream overnight and then wash it of in the morning. Do not apply and go into the sun.

Azelaic acid: It is a naturally occurring compound that can be applied for removing acne. They cause dry skin and itchiness. Use a 10% - 20% cream either alone on the acne-prone regions or mix it with clindamycin for reducing the irritations. Clindamycin is also an effective chemical against acne.

As long as you are following a great skincare routine, keeping a tab on your eating habits, keeping the surface of your skin clean, you should be fine!

FAQs about How To Treat Acne Effectively.

Can my diet affect my acne?

    Contrary to popular belief, oily foods, dairy, or sweets have little to no effect on your acne. In most cases, it is the hormones that are responsible for stimulation of the oil glands which produce sebum, and this is what essentially clogs the pores leading to inflammation and breakouts. That said, consuming excessive amounts of non-fat dairy products and simple carbs can increase the severity of your acne.

    Can makeup cause acne?

      While makeup cannot cause acne, it can surely impact it. Hence, if you are using makeup and see any changes or additional inflammation in your acne, try spotting the product that is causing it and changing the brand that you are using. Besides, it is always helpful to remember that in addition to makeup, shampoos, hair gels, and hair oils also find a way to your facial skin, and can often result in breakouts, especially around the forehead. Thankfully, using “noncomedogenic” makeup and cosmetic products can help eliminate this issue.

      How often should I wash my face if I have acne?

        Don’t worry. Not washing your face enough only rarely results in acne. You’d be surprised to know, that people with acne tend to wash their face way too many times, which often results in worsening the inflammation. Hence, make sure to simply wash your face in the morning and at night with a gentle cleanser. Of course, keeping your face clean is only the first step towards acne-free skin, and you will need an additional skincare regime to ward off those pesky pimples.

        Can adults get acne?

          Yes! Since acne is primarily a result of hormonal fluctuations, even adults can experience acne. Some of the hormonal fluctuations are caused due to changes in the body during pregnancy, menstrual cycles, or menopause, while others occur as a side effect from birth control pills, testosterone supplements, steroids, seizure medication and other hormone-containing medications. In some adults, acne can also be caused as a result of their genetic makeup which makes them prone to clogged pores.

          Are acne and rosacea the same thing?

            No! While acne and rosacea often appear to be very similar, they are in fact two distinct skin conditions. Acne usually occurs in one’s teenage years and late ’20s while rosacea tends to impact people in their 30s or 40s and beyond. Rosacea presents itself in the form of pimple-like bumps on the nose and cheeks, which cannot be popped, unlike acne which can often be popped (though that isn’t recommended).


              Here are the 5 basics of skin care:

              1. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser.

              2. Use an exfoliator to remove dead skin cells.

              3. Apply a moisturiser.

              4. Use sunscreen daily.

              5. Address specific skin concerns with targeted treatments like serums or spot treatments.

              The 7 steps of skincare include:

              1. Cleanser: To remove dirt and makeup.

              2. Toner: To balance skin's pH.

              3. Exfoliator: To remove dead skin cells (use 2-3 times a week).

              4. Under Eye Cream: To keep away dark circles.

              5. Serum: To treat specific skin concerns.

              6. Moisturizer: To lock in moisture.

              7. Sunscreen: To protect against UV damage (daytime only).

              To glow in 7 days, cleanse and exfoliate your skin regularly to remove impurities and dead cells. Hydrate with a good moisturizer and drink plenty of water. Apply a brightening serum and use sunscreen daily for protection and a natural glow.

              Apply a gentle cleanser to remove dirt and oil. Follow with a moisturizer to hydrate and protect your skin. Finish with sunscreen to shield against UV rays and premature aging. These 3 have to be applied daily on face.

              The recommended skin care regimen typically includes cleansing, toning, moisturizing, applying treatment products like serums or masks, and using sunscreen during the day.

              Face skin care benefits include improved appearance, hydration, protection against ageing and environmental damage, and maintenance of skin health.

              Skincare can improve your skin's appearance, maintain hydration, protect against environmental damage, and promote overall skin health and resilience.

              This is how you can keep your skin healthy naturally:

              1. Stay hydrated

              2. Eat a balanced diet

              3. Protect from the sun

              4. Cleanse gently

              5. Moisturize

              6. Get enough sleep

              7. Manage stress

              For oily skin, use oil-free or gel-based cleansers, lightweight moisturizers labeled as non-comedogenic, and oil-control or mattifying products like toners and serums.

              Yes, washing your face at night is crucial to remove makeup, dirt, and oil accumulated throughout the day, preventing clogged pores and skin issues.

              You should ideally not skip applying a moisturiser, as it helps keep your skin hydrated, balanced, and protected.

              Yes, skincare for teenagers helps manage oiliness, prevent acne breakouts, and establish good habits for lifelong skin health. Starting early can also prevent long-term skin issues.