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How To Treat Dark Circles Under The Eyes

"How to reduce dark circles?" is a question that keeps pestering almost anyone and everyone with those pesky under-eye patches. We can bet you have watched enough tutorials on YouTube to reduce dark circles, only to discover that they are useless.

Having dark circles is one of the most common skin problems amongst people nowadays. With the regular increase in stress, lack of sleep, and poor food habits they have become a regular appearance on most people.

While the precise reason for dark circles cannot be pointed out in every single case, it is a simple skin concern and can be easily treated through the regular application of proper medications and certain practices that promote healthy skin.

What are dark circles?


Dark Circles Treatment

Dark circles under the eyes are a common phenomenon that may occur due to multiple reasons. It is nothing but the darkening of the skin under the eyes making it look dark, tired and dull.

While most people nowadays have dark circles, in some people they are intense depending upon their exposure and stress factors in life. Dark circles can make the skin appear dull and pale. Most of the dark circles that appear under the eye can be reduced using effective self-treatments but sometimes it requires medical attention.

Causes of dark circles under eyes

Causes of dark circles under eyes

There are multiple reasons that act as a source for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Some of them might be very simple that you might not have realized in your day-to-day activities.

The most common causes for the appearance of dark circles include -

  • Prolonged sun exposure resulting UV radiations causing excessive pigmentation
  • Use of ingredients that are harsh on the skin cells resulting in dryness of the skin and darkness around the under eye area
  • Continued lack of sleep
  • Lack of moisture content around the skin surrounding the eyes.
  • Constant rubbing of eyes
  • The constant wearing of poor quality power glasses causing eye strain
  • Constantly watching television or working on computer screen or other digital devices for extended periods
  • Allergic reaction to certain foods or skin care ingredients
  • Genetic predisposition

And yes, while it may seem counterintuitive, oversleeping can also result in dark circles under the eyes!

When it comes to dark circles mostly they are indicated by the darkening of the skin around the lower eyelids. But, sometimes they might also occur in the form of shrink dilated blood vessels running under the skin. This condition is known as vascular dark circles.

How do I treat dark circles under eyes?

How do I treat dark circles under eyes?

Treating dark circles is not as tricky as it often appears.

There are multiple under-eye creams present in the market and they can be constantly used for the treatment of dark circles. However, along with the under-eye creams, there are also other things that you need to follow to prevent dark circles in the future.

Some of the most imperative health tips and tricks you need to follow to get rid of dark circles include the following -

Always wear sunglasses when you are going outdoors. Sunglasses can prevent harmful UV radiations from affecting the skin under your eyes. In addition, using a broad spectrum sunscreen

Constant allergies might result in your eyes watering continuously and cause dark circles. This can be prevented by using antihistamines or any other allergy-related medicine. To this end, you can also make use of cold tea bags, or cold compress that can be formed using cold water or cold milk. You can also use ice cubes to soothe the under eye area.

Use the under-eye creams in your regular skincare routine. Combine these creams with powerful SPF 30 sunscreen lotions.

Caffeine is a powerful ingredient that is used in under-eye creams for lightening them. The presence of anti-oxidants allows them to act on the deeper layers as they stimulate blood circulation. Moreover, such creams are curated to tighten and restore the skin.

Getiing adequate sleep is yet another trick that can help improve blood circulation, thereby ensuring that you don't acquire puffy eyes or dark circles, as these can help prevent fluid accumulation.

Using concealers can prevent you from showing dark circles to other people.

Ingredients (Acids) That Can Help Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Eyes

Ingredients (Acids) That Can Help Get Rid of Dark Circles under eyes

When you choose any of the under eye cream make sure that it has certain ingredients like azelaic acid inside it. A good concentration of Azelaic acid can reduce the presence of dark circles around the eyes and act as a powerful brightening agent.

There are also other skin brightening agents like niacinamide that can repair the damaged tissues and make the skin more healthy and plump. They hydrate the skin and make them look more soft along the edges.

By using regular under-eye creams in your regular skincare routine and applying other natural substances like cucumber and eyes you can remove the dark circles under your eye. Rest more, drink plenty of water and avoid watching televisions or other digital devices for a long time.

Patch Test For Dark Circles

When you are trying a new skin product, conduct a patch test by yourself to avoid allergic reactions. This is because you have to make sure that the chemicals present within the product are suitable for your skin and do not cause allergic contact dermatitis or any other unwanted skin conditions.

To begin, wash the area that you are trying to test with plain water. Choose a site that is not in plain sight. Apply the product to the wrist or behind the ear area and wait for the reaction to appear. During this time, the symptoms to identify if the skin is purging or breaking out. If such a reaction happens, do not use the product on the thin skin

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